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What is the Montessori Curriculum ? It is a learning experience, based on children making independent choices. The theory suggests, by allowing children to choose the activities they would like to work on and learn through, they will be more interested and able to gain valuable skills for the future. If children feel positive reinforcement from completing tasks rather than the pressure to do things through mandatory methods, they are feel more involved in the entire learning process. The Montessori ideal believes being curious is a normal part of growing up and should be encouraged throughout children’s educational careers.


Being an individual, throughout life, is imperative to success. Montessori education teaches each child to earn their spot, as an individual instead of becoming a part of a routine. Working at their own pace, students are often able to excel even more, than when learning through a standard curriculum. Because of the freedom students experience, in making daily learning choices, they normally, never experience the standard boredom seen in regular classrooms 

Having this freedom builds character and gives each individual student the opportunity to shine, in their respective spheres of learning. They can tailor their interests to their educational needs and create a lifetime school plan that boosts their careers and goals, much more than the generalized education, currently available in our Public-School System.


Imagination, from birth, becomes one of our biggest motivators in learning. Playing pretend and thinking outside of the box, gives us momentum for the future. The Montessori Curriculum encourages students to think independently and to use their imagination as a useful tool for learning.

Encouraging opportunities for learning without stress and creating a more relaxed learning environment makes the Montessori Curriculum a more attractive option versus the standard rigid, one size fits all, Public-School System.


In Montessori schools, children oversee making decisions for themselves. Adults are present to oversee the safety of children and instead of being a traditional  “Authority figure” they act as a guide and a mentor. Unless requested, the staff becomes more of an enabler to children’s creativity and less dominating in the daily direction of their education. It is thought that this approach allows children to make the most of their educational days and  gives them a more well-rounded sense of self. It also supports critical thinking skills not seen in some of the more accepted educational curriculums. Children get the chance to observe their surroundings and make decisions based on their own opinions and observations.

Because of the diversity and availability of Montessori Schools throughout America, exploring the opportunities can be an appealing option for parents interested in a more open educational experience for their children.