What Makes Joyous Montessori Different From Other Caregivers in our Area?
What Makes Joyous Montessori Different From Other Caregivers in our Area?
At Joyous Montessori – Keller, we don’t just care for your children – we educate them. Our Montessori curriculum is filled with academic content, fostering skills that will last a lifetime. We have daily focus on mathematics and language arts, and we include enrichment classes featuring staff members with special expertise. We teach keyboarding skills, Spanish, art, and music. We encourage healthy eating habits with our monthly cooking class, and we offer a wide array of special classes designed to teach physical education.
A typical month includes these themes:
- Biography – Each month we learn about the life of a different famous person. This month we will learn about Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Science – How does the natural world work? How do things grow? We study the life cycle of different animals, or we look at the science that keeps our planet beautiful. This month we will be studying the water cycle.
- Astronomy – What lies beyond Earth? What are we looking at in the night sky? This year we have focused on the planets. This month, we are going to talk about Saturn.
- Geography – There are seven continents, and each is unique. How are they different from each other? How can you find them on a map? The continent this month is Antarctica, the home of the penguins.
At Joyous Montessori – Keller, the staff is multi-lingual and multicultural. We have children at our school from all over the world, and we celebrate our diversity with every activity we do. Even our décor celebrates our diversity – we have flags from every country hanging up in our gym!
Maria Montessori created her curriculum with the idea that children learn best by exploring their environment with the guidance of a well-trained teacher. At the core of our curriculum is Montessori work. Each set of teaching tools is designed to teach a skill. Some, such as the measuring cups and bowls, teach practical skills. Some, such as the binomial cube, illustrate advanced mathematic concepts in concrete ways that children can understand. Through it all, the goal is for the teacher to show the child how to explore the tools to their full potential. As Maria Montessori once wrote, “When a child is given a little leeway, he will at once shout, ’I want to do it!’ But in our schools, which have an environment adapted to children’s needs, they say, ‘Help me to do it alone.’”
If you are interested in learning more about our school and the benefits it offers your children, contact us and ask to take a tour. The best way to appreciate the Montessori difference is to experience it.